Certificate III Retail Services

Certificate III in Retail
Course Code:
Certificate III

SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail

Suitable Course Candidate

Team leader, experienced retail person, shift manager, department manager, checkout supervisor, and merchandise co-ordinator, crew leader Customer service person

This type of experience would equate to the competencies required to undertake this qualification. Please discuss with your EBT Consultant.

Participants should be able to demonstrate that they have vocational experience in a supervisory role or provide evidence that they have sufficient knowledge and experience to show competency in the majority of units contained in SIR20216 Certificate II Retail Services or other relevant qualifications.

Qualification Pathway

Successful candidates can articulate to Level IV Retail or Management Qualifications.

Course Units

To gain a Certificate III in Retail the student is required to complete a total of 13 Units. While 8 of the units are compulsory for the every student, the remaining 5 units can be selected and changed to better fit the nature of the workplace and benefit the student as well.

Core Units

National Course Code

Unit Name


Engage the customer


Assist with customer difficulties


Build customer relationships and loyalty


Work effectively in a team


Work effectively in a service environment


Identify and respond to security risks


Sell to the retail customer


Contribute to workplace health and safety

Reporting and Assistance

After the Initial Trainee Induction visit there will be 4 Assessment visits along with monitoring visits &/or telephone, email or online contact and accessible assistance when required.

Course Cost $2,000

Government funding – Is available for eligible students. Please contact us to discuss.

After completing this course you can pursue a career as a:

  • Customer service assistant
  • Point-of-sale operator
  • Senior sales assistant